President (TIAA)'s Message
Dear Fellow Alumni,
I am extremely excited to be the new President of The IMIS Alumni Association (TIAA). I believe that this is in fact an incredibly dynamic time to be involved with IMIS, Bhubaneswar. As of now more than 4,000 alumni have joined the Alumni Network, when they returned to their alma mater for Alumni Meet – Home Coming Celebration at IMIS.
During my tenure, I would like to encourage each of you, to do just one thing: Come back to see, hear and feel the renewed atmosphere of your alma mater.
Come back to feel the pride of the students on campus.
Come back because it is still your IMIS, and never has there been a better time to renew your pride in all that it presently represents to the local community, to the nation and to the world. Do let us know your time of visit and we’ll be ready to welcome you here at IMIS heartily.
To close, I would like to mention that, our Alumni Association is only as strong as the sum of its parts. We are all IMISIANS, and we stand over 4,000 strong-Indeed to work together. One of our greatest strength as an Alumni Association is, the diversity of our collective knowledge and experience, which can benefit the students and alumni alike.
We have a dedicated Executive Body, poised to serve all your varied your interests. Do let us know what you see, hear and feel about IMIS, and we’ll do our best to represent you.
I look forward to your visit to the campusduring the next academic year. Come back ! See and feel your IMIS ! Be a part of IMIS growth story !
With Best Wishes.
Rupa Kumar Pradhan
The IMIS Alumni Association (TIAA)